Multi-interaction between remote units via Internet

Maximum compatibility
The different UNIVERSAL+ 7WR M1, M2, M3, M4, MINI M4, 4LOG, XREM, 6LIR, 6PHAR and 6PHR models are compatible with one another. This means that they all share a multi-interaction with remote units via Internet. For instance, when one or more alarms is triggered in the protection/metering units, UNIVERSAL+ 7WR M1, M2, M3, M4 and MINI M4, these can dispatch an order to a 7WR 4LOG unit which will enable an automated process.
A further example: in the event of a condition established in a process of the 7WR 4LOG unit, this can dispatch an order to the different models, UNIVERSAL+ 7WR M1, M2, M3, M4, MINI M4, 4LOG, XREM and 6LIR for them to enable their remote relays via Internet.
The UNIVERSAL+ 7WR M1, M2, M3, M4, MINI M4 and 4LOG units can also communicate with a 7WR XREM and a 7WR 6LIR in order to enable or disable any of their remote relays via Internet. Each 7WR M1, M2, M3, M4 and MINI M4 unit can communicate with another 7WR M1, M2, M3, M4 or MINI M4 unit. These units can communicate with one another to enable or disable their relays remotely via Internet.
The 7WR 6PHAR and 6PHR units (schedule multi-programmers) can also communicate with a UNIVERSAL+ 7WR M1, M2, M3, M4, MINI M4, 4LOG, XREM and 6LIR unit to enable their remote relays or processes via Internet.
Each 7WR 4LOG unit can communicate directly with four other units and these four, in turn, with four more and so on progressively. This fact increases the power and scalability of the process and inputs/outputs as per specific needs. These units can communicate with one another to enable inputs or processes in general, enable or disable relays, enable or disable functions, etc.